Easy Things to Do With Broken Ankle

Best Broken Ankle Recovery Tips

Thursday, 4 April 2019  | Paul

Broken ankles are incredibly common; in fact they are one of the most common bone injuries that a person can have. It doesn't matter if you're a world-famous athlete, or enjoy amble strolls through summer, all it takes is a misplaced step and your ankle can break. A broken ankle can take roughly three months to heal, but the impact can last far longer.

A Broken Ankle Doesn't Have to Spell an End to Your Social Life
A broken ankle doesn't have to spell an end to your social life

To ensure that time spend between injury and full recovery is as pain and stress free as possible, there are steps you can take to ease the process. Small and simple lifestyle changes can make living with your broken ankle easier, while a wide range of affordable products are available to ensure that recovery is as comfortable as possible. This guide will give you our Top Tips for Broken Ankle Recovery, ensuring that you can quickly get moving again.

Why Are Broken Ankles so Common?

Broken ankles are one of the most common ankle injuries, in part because the ankle is between the leg and the foot. This means that it moves continuously through the day, and that it meets the full force of any misstep that you happen to take. Treatment can include using a supportive boot, a plaster cast, crutches, and just painkillers depending on the severity of the break.

How Do I Know If My Ankle Is Broken?

This may seem like a strange question, but often a small fracture can feel more minor than a strain. In these cases it will become clear that the ankle is broken after a few days, however treating a break quickly is the key to a faster recovery. The main symptoms of a broken ankle include:

  • Severe pain and tenderness
  • Bruising and swelling
  • Difficulty moving your foot
  • Difficulty putting weight on your foot
  • The ankle being an odd shape
  • A snap noise during injury
  • Bleeding

Top Tips for Broken Ankle Recovery

During recovery, you may find yourself immobile and in pain. By taking a few different choices, you can make recovery far more comfortable. Our top tips include everything from pain relief, to comfort, to aftercare, and we hope that it gives you a few answers in your own recovery process.

Get Used to Immobility

The last thing that will happen at hospital is that you will be given some kind of walking equipment. This could be a brace, a walker boot or some crutches, and with whatever you receive we can guarantee it'll take a little time to get used to this new walking aid. We recommend that you take time to get used to this, as it's quite a shock having being running around one minute to hobbling the next.

If you are struggling, then we would recommend that you give the iWALK 2.0 Hands Free Crutch a go. We do advise that you consult your doctor first, and maybe leave it until after your first week before you first use the iWALK. Designed to keep your injured leg raised, it allows you to lead an active life by giving you full use of your arms.

iWALK 2.0 Hands Free Crutch
iWALK 2.0 Hands Free Crutch

Don't Hide Away

A second tip is leading on from the first, and it's to not hide away. You can still make plans to meet friends, go out for dinner with your partner or see a film at the cinema, and staying indoors can have a negative impact on your mental health. By still making plans you can ensure that your injury does not get the better of you.

Make Your Home Safer

Now that you are less mobile, you'll want to make sure that your space is adjusted accordingly. This can range from clearing out clutter to fixing loose carpets on the floor. By taking a few steps to ensure that your living quarters are safe, you can retain a certain level of comfort and confidence.

Don't Pass on Hygiene

Wearing a cast and showering can be a little difficult. Plenty of casts aren't waterproof, and you'll have to hand wash, which if you have a broken ankle can be a little difficult. However, the LimbO Half Leg Plaster Cast and Dressing Protector fits right over your cast, protecting it from any water during a bath or shower.

LimbO Half Leg Plaster Cast and Dressing Protector
LimbO Half Leg Plaster Cast and Dressing Protector

Use Ice Packs for Pain Relief

Even when you're wearing your cast, broken ankles can cause pain to shoot up into your foot or leg. This can be incredibly uncomfortable, however there is help at hand. We have a range of Rehab Cold Therapy ice packs available at Health and Care, including the disposable Koolpak Sports Instant Ice Pack.

A sturdier, reusable ice pack that we would recommend is the Dura Soft Foot & ankle Ice Pack Wrap, as this features two ice inserts that can reduce ankle foot and ankle pain. It is designed to penetrate surgical dressings to reduce pain, and is even used by professionals when treating ankle injuries.

Dura Soft Foot & Ankle Ice Pack Wrap
Dura Soft Foot & Ankle Ice Pack Wrap

Prevent Your Ankle from Breaking Again

When you get back on your feet you might want to get active. If this is the case, then we would recommend protecting against the same injury from occurring again. One way that you can do this is with the Aircast A60 Ankle Brace, a simple ankle brace that cushions the ankle, reduces pain and prevents your ankle from rolling while out and about.

Aircast A60 Ankle Brace
Aircast A60 Ankle Brace

Suitable for most types of sports and suitable for walking around town, the Aircast A60 is designed for use at the end and following the recovery process. It is recommended by many to be crucial in preventing injury problems from reoccurring. Remember, bones can be weaker following breaks, so it's important to protect yourself in the future.

Make Your Recovery Comfortable

We understand that suffering an ankle break can be pretty traumatic, especially if you lose your mobility because of it. We really stress that it doesn't have to be a nightmare, and by following a few simple steps you can make your recovery time more comfortable. If you'd like to learn more about how to treat ankle problems, please see our Cast Protectors, Cold Therapy, Crutches and Rehabilitation categories for more information.

Do you have any questions about broken ankle recovery? Please don't hesitate to let us know in the comments, or find us on Facebook and Twitter.

Tags: Aids for Daily Living, Aircast A60 Ankle Brace, Ankle Pain, Ankle Supports, Health and Care Expert Series.

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Source: https://www.healthandcare.co.uk/blog/best-broken-ankle-recovery-tips.html

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